Il lato migliore della 购买WIDAF认证

Il lato migliore della 购买WIDAF认证

Blog Article

The WiDaF test is administered and organized by the Senza peli sulla lingua-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, an organization primarily targeting non-German-speaking working people from all over the world who wish to work Durante a German company. The exam enjoys a certain reputation and is considered the benchmark for professional German tests.

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Le test WiDaF est  fondé sur des exemples tirés de la vie en entreprise et utilise un vocabulaire professionnel comme celui du commerce, des finances ou encore des ressources humaines.


Le candidat peut repasser l'épreuve autant de fois qu’il le souhaite. Il n’y a donc aucun prérequis pour passer ces mises en situation professionnelle.

Per the third and last case, you pass the WiDaf abroad. Con which case, you need to check which cities are organizing sessions in the country, where you are located

The WiDaF test can be repeated as often as desired and is excellent for proving linguistic competence Sopra a professional environment.

La production orale est testée sous forme de description d’image/ de produit, de présentation courte ainsi que de comparaison des avantages et des inconvénients.

You can find all these revision sheets for free on our blog. The GlobalExam blog also possesses several explanatory articles on the logistics which are linked to passing the WiDaF (registration procedures, advice on obtaining a good score, etc.), so that you can prepare Sopra the best of conditions.

The registration formalities to the WiDaF test depends on your place of residence. Therefore, three cases are possible click here depending on your geographic location.

Our WiDaF preparation courses In iQ Idioletto's WiDaF preparation, you will gradually build up your vocabulary as well as your reading and listening comprehension skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.

GlobalExam vous permet de booster votre préparation au WiDaF pour progresser rapidement et atteindre vos objectifs de score !

Optimally prepared with the WiDaF certificate course at iQ iQ Idioletto offers you the optimal preparation for the exam. You will acquire the necessary language skills in a targeted manner, which are aligned with the content of the WiDaF exam. You systematically expand your German vocabulary and improve your reading and listening comprehension step by step.

A l’issue de la délibération du jury de certification, le certificateur prendra la décision finale d’octroyer la certification selon le nombre de points obtenus au regard du CECRL.

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